Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Every day is a blessing

I wore this on Sunday and I was sweating like crazy. I don't quite know why i didn't just wear a light cardigan. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to take the blazer off lol.

Now for my grateful story of the week...
My ace/bestie/twin from college was here for the weekend. Even though I ended up working Saturday night, we still had a good time. We always do, honestly we're some of the most easily entertained people on this earth lol. We went shopping,

 walked downtown for ice cream and pictures at the theatre,

 a farmer's market,
 more shopping,

 church and the beach.

It was a nice weekend.
My twin  left to go back home a little after 6pm on Sunday. My house is a good 3 hours from where she lives. Just about an hour from my house this is what happened... a man ran into her car, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

I cannot being to explain the shock and emotions running through all of us when we saw those pictures, the amazing thing that kept us together was the fact that she posted the pictures, called and texted me only minutes after it happened. Which meant that she was not only alive, but she was miraculously also in good shape! That's just out if this world awesome to me. Now she's in some pain, she's probably going to be uncomfortable for a while but she's strong and most importantly  blessed.
This is a reminder to live your life to the fullest everyday in a way that is good and to always remember that every day is a blessing!
Good Happens,


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