Choose life. Choose positivity.

This was a welcomed surprise when I decided to buy this Matt and Nat bag. I bought the bag because of the color and material but the positive message inside of it makes me happy :)
Choose to make a difference is written in 2 other languages. It's so fitting because not only is this choice one that I make daily but the 2 other languages are my favorites!

Things that you can choose to make a difference in

I've been choosing to make a difference in the simplest ways. Smiling and sharing positivity with anybody who cross my path but my Make a Difference chanllenge has been youth empowerment for the past four years. I've been slacking for the past year but I think this purse is a reminder that I need to keep at it.
I've been working with the youth at my church for a couple of months now but lately I've been discouraged and wanting to give up because of so many roadblocks and apathetic teens but right now I'm deciding to keep at it. I'm choosing to make a difference in my youth group for real.
Will you choose to make a difference today?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Feelin' Good

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Chance

Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Circle

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